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Branding prices

Branding Price Aritcle

An Investment
That Pays Off

Branding is often seen as an expense, but it is actually an investment that can pay off handsomely.

Of course, branding does not come cheap. The cost of branding can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project, but it is important to remember that it is an investment that can pay off in the long run.

Branding is an important investment for any business that wants to succeed in the long term.

branding price is one of the important factors for developing your business

Why is it worth investing in brand identity

Brand identity is the soul of your business. It is what makes your business unique and memorable. It is what connects with your customers on an emotional level. And it is what ultimately drives your business success.

A strong brand identity is not just about having a memorable logo or tagline. It is a comprehensive expression of your business’s values, personality, and promise. It is the foundation on which you build your relationships with customers, employees, and partners.

When you invest in brand identity, you are investing in the future of your business. You are creating a valuable asset that will help you stand out from the competition, attract new customers, and build long-term loyalty.

Branding is no longer just about the visual aspects of a brand, but also about the emotional, cultural, and experiential dimensions that connect with customers. Branding also needs to be customer-focused and adaptive, responding to the changing needs, preferences, and behaviors of the target audience in a dynamic and competitive market. Moreover, branding needs to leverage the potential of digital and interactive platforms, social media, and multimedia content to engage and communicate with customers in a more effective and personalized way.

Finally, branding needs to reflect the values and identities of different groups and communities in society, ensuring diversity and inclusion in its representation and messaging. These changes have increased the importance and value of having a brand book that can guide and align all the stakeholders involved in creating and maintaining a consistent and coherent brand identity. A brand book is a document that defines the rules and guidelines for using the elements of a brand, such as the logo, colors, fonts, images, tone of voice, etc.rs.

A brandbook helps to ensure that the brand is presented in a uniform and professional way across all marketing materials and channels, creating a strong and memorable impression on customers.

What factors affect the cost and price of branding?

The range of branding price and designing of brand book can vary widely depending on the scope, complexity, and quality of the project.

  • The size and complexity of the project: The more complex the branding project, the more time and resources it will require, which will ultimately drive up the cost. For example, a branding project that involves developing a new logo, tagline, and brand identity will be more expensive than a project that simply updates the existing branding.
  • The experience and expertise of the branding agency: A more experienced and reputable branding agency will typically charge more than a less experienced agency. This is because they have the expertise and knowledge to create effective branding that will resonate with consumers.
  • The level of customization: The more customized the branding project, the more expensive it will be. This is because the agency will need to spend more time and resources to create a unique and tailored branding solution.
  • The target market: The target market for the brand will also affect the cost of branding. For example, The cost of branding a product for a luxury market will be more expensive than branding a product for a mass market. This is because luxury brands typically require more sophisticated branding that appeals to a more discerning audience.
  • The geographic location: The geographic location of the branding agency can also affect the price of branding. Agencies in major cities typically charge more than agencies in smaller towns or rural areas. This is because the cost of living is higher in major cities, which means that agencies need to charge more to cover their overhead costs.

It is important to note that these are just some of the factors that can affect the cost of branding. The actual cost of a branding project will vary depending on the specific needs of the business.

Some specific examples of pricing for different elements of a brand book are:

  • Brand identity: $1,000 – $5,000+
  • Market research: $1,000 – $7,000+
  • Logo: $2,000 – $8,000+
  • Visual style guide: $2,500 – $5,000+1
  • Editorial style guide: $1,500 – $4,000+1
  • Brand book: $3,000 – $4,000+2

These are only approximate estimates and may not reflect the actual cost of your project. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with different branding professionals and compare their proposals before deciding on a budget.


Brand Identity


Market Research


Logo Design


Visual Style Guide


Editorial Style Guide


Brand Guidelines / Brand Book


Cost of Branding for Small Businesses

$5,000 to $30,000+

How can we help you with designing a brand book and help you decide on the price of branding?

we need to follow these steps:

  • We need to understand your needs and expectations for the brandbook. What are your goals, values, target audience, and competitors? What are the main elements and features you want to include in the brandbook? How do you want to use and distribute the brandbook?
  • We need to assess the scope and complexity of the project. How much research and analysis is required? How many design elements and variations are involved? How many pages and sections will the brandbook have? How much time and resources will it take to complete the project?
  • We need to estimate the cost of each component of the project. Based on our experience and expertise, we will charge you for each element of the brandbook, such as logo, color palette, typography, photography, tone of voice, etc. We will also charge you for the overall design and layout of the brandbook. We will also charge you for revisions and feedback.
  • We will provide you with a detailed proposal and quotation. We will explain the rationale behind our pricing and how it reflects the value and quality of our work. We will break down the cost of each component and show you the total amount. We will include any terms and conditions, such as payment methods, deadlines, deliverables, etc.

So, you want
a brand book Design?


So, What’s on your mind?
Let’s talk.



021 40 440 125
0919 27 27 940


No.46, East N Ayrik Center, E Ferdows Blvd., Tehran, Iran