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021 4044 0125
+98 919 27 27 940




No.46, 5th Floor, North Ayrik Center, East Ferdows Blvd. Tehran, Iran


Logo Design

Elkava is a company that manufactures hospital beds specially designed for patients with severe disabilities and spinal cord problems. Its logo combines two symbols: a hand and a hospital bed. The hand symbolizes care, protection, blessing, and generosity, qualities that Elkava strives to offer to its customers and products. The hospital bed symbolizes the field of Elkava’s specialization and its expertise in providing comfort and support to patients. The colors verdigris and yonder blue also convey meanings of healing, tranquility, and professionalism. The logo of Elkava is a meaningful representation of its mission to create hospital beds that are both functional and compassionate.

Brand Values




Hospial bed

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Airic Center, East Ferdous Blvd, TEHRAN-IRAN